
A little bit about me!

I am from the good ol’ Mil of WI. I escaped in 2001 and moved to Minnesota to go to college at North Central University. Overall, it was a good school although it definitely had its hipcups. I graduated from NCU in 2006 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Pastoral Studies and a Minor in Missions and went on seminary, basically because I did not know what else to do.

I started Bethel Seminary in 2006 and when I initially started, I anticipated earning a Master of Divinity Degree. A little trip to Central Africa in 2007, however, changed that in a twingling of an eye. In preparation for my trip I read a book called, We Wish to Inform You that Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with our Whole Families, which spoke of the genocide that took place in Rwanda in 1994. I was absolutely broken as I read it and knew from that moment what God was calling me to: a ministry of reconciliation. The trip to Africa only confirmed that so that when I returned to the US I switched my degree to a Master of Arts in Global and Contextual Studies.

Somewhere during my second year of Seminary, I met a really great guy…a fantastic guy in fact! We are married now! The wedding was absolutely beautiful! And now we have a beautiful, wonderful little girl!

Let’s see, well I am also an author. I am pretty sure you have figured that out by now. During a season of great turmoil and ambiguity, I began to write as a source of therapy for me. Four years later, here I stand with a book in my hand, Dancing on Hot Coals. Dancing on Hot Coals is actually a metaphor, if you will, for not only my life but the nature of life in general. Although we expect and anticipate to live pain free, we often find ourselves in difficult situations that stretch us to our limits. As a result, we often start to doubt God and begin to wonder whether he knows what he is doing. In my book, I highlight my journey through those questions and doubts, and I come out realizing that in spite of the hot coals of life that threatened to paralyze me, that God has still caused me to dance.

Enough about the book. Did I tell you that I am in love with Jesus? Well, I am!

I also love tea. Anyone who knows me knows this truth. I know I should not drink it as much as I should but I just cannot help it. Other likes/ loves: good food, coffee shops flowers, books, writing, 90s music, gospel music, good friends and company, friends and my job!

Finally, my passion for justice is real, alive and kicking. You will figure that out if you stick around for a little while.

Thanks for taking the time to get to know me!

10 thoughts on “About.Me.

  1. Funmi

    Hey there- I like your blog and love your wedding pics you looked gorgeous. Although you always look beautiful anyways.
    Yeah for a PhD- I can hear it now.. Dr. Ebony Adedayo. Very fitting.

    later chica

  2. Congratulations to you and your husband! God bless your union and all that it brings. Prosperity and abundance to everything you put your mind to do in the Lord. It’s nice to get to know you through this. Looking forward to learning more about you and reading your posts.

    In Christ,

  3. Really enjoying reading about your life. Our staff members let us know about this blog, and I would love to order a few copies of your book so we can all read it. Also, I have a friend in ministry here in Milwaukee that you may want to connect with on some level. Her name is Linda Wade, and she established a dance and arts ministry here called Above the Clouds. She’s a wonderful person to know! http://abovethecloudsmilwaukee.com/


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